Buddhist Organization Management in Globalization การบริหารจัดการองค์การตามแนวพระพุทธศาสนาในยุคโลกาภิวัตน์

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พระเมธีวชิรภูษิต (จำเนียร ผลาวงค์)
พระครูโกศลวชิรกิจ (โกศล โทนาดี)
พระครูวชิรคุณพิพัฒน์ (อเนก เตไธสง)
พระครูสิริวชิรานุยุต (วรสายใย นาคคูณ)


At present, administration or management of the organization is required to use science and art in inescapably management. Because the world in these day is capitalism or consumerism that is profitable and competitive to outperform the competition in the management and organizational development to achieve organizational goals and the important thing to make the management of the organization is successful is principles of management. In particular, the administration of Buddhism is the principle of Buddhist administration. It is more than two thousand and five hundred years old. So in today's globalization or capitalist era modern management comes back review the academic role of modern management that is it still the same way that effective management must respond to capitalism that focuses on competition and profits, or on the achievement of corporate objectives alone.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)