

  • นพดล อินทร์จันทร์
  • ปิลันลน์ ปุณญประภา


The film is a cultural heritage of humanity. It has been said, the film is the most complete historical record which covers the social, cultural tradition, event, politic, economy, natural environment and the way of life in any society. The film, itself, is highly influential on a broad scale. There is also a work of collaborative art combining various art forms, through collaborative works among director, screenwriter, actor, photographer, costume designer, set designer, lighting designer, sound engineer and etc. Directing a film is to provide an overview of the production which is divided into three parts to control the film making process. The director, not only maintains and overview of the performances and bringing the form and presentation but also plays an important role in film guiding. The cinematographer takes responsibility for the overall picture resulting from the shooting and the working of editing including compiling a continuation of the film. Finally, the third part is work of art director.
