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This article was about “Moken Music and the Way of Regeneration”. The purpose of this study was to determine the Moken music culture and to study situation of Moken music to be the way of regeneration. This article was a part of research on “Sea Gypsies Ceremony Music in Andaman Coast of Upper Southern Thailand”. A qualitative research tools was a semi–structured interviews, record observations. Key information was musicians, performances, community leaders and spiritual leaders of Moken. Then researcher analyzed the collected data from the conversation and related documents before conclusion and discussion.

            The study found that Moken ensemble consisted of Rammana drum, cymbal and something that could be percussion around their community. The element of Moken ensemble was flexible. The only melody instrument was Kating which was in situation of successors lacking. Moken lyrics showed their identity. Moken music was most used for entertainment. The Acculturation was open style which did not obscure knowledge, but lacked of stimulating interest in the inheritance. Creating attitudes or values of Moken music inheritance through family, the leader of community and education system were important factors for the way of regeneration.
