The Effects of Knowledge Absorption and Dynamic Capability on Green Management Intention


  • Chanon Vinitchevit
  • Napaporn Khannapa
  • Rapeephan Piriyakul
  • Sathit Nakkrasae


Knowledge absorption, dynamic capability, green management


This research investigated levels at which perceptions of antecedents—customer pressure, social norms, and green manager commitment—are transmitted through knowledge absorption and dynamic capability, thereby exerting effects on green management intention.  Green management intention involves both radical green management and incremental green management. Green management must overcome its competitive weakness in the business world in the expectation that emerging social awareness of the environment will eventuate in green businesses becoming more competitive.  In carrying out this inquiry, the researcher made use of the structural equation model (SEM) multivariate statistical technique. Using a questionnaire as a means of collecting empirical data, the researcher analyzed the data provided by the research sample of 400 entrepreneurs in the packaging paper production industry who were engaged in manufacturing packaging materials.  Findings are as follows: Upon making adjustments, SEM showed consonance with empirical data after the following fashion:  Chi-square (χ2) = 763.832; degrees of freedom (df) = 719; probability value (p-value) = 0.120; goodness of fit index (GFI) = 0.914; adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) = 0.902; root mean residual (RMR) = .017; and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = .013.


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How to Cite

Vinitchevit, C., Khannapa, N., Piriyakul, R., & Nakkrasae, S. (2018). The Effects of Knowledge Absorption and Dynamic Capability on Green Management Intention. KASEM BUNDIT JOURNAL, 19(2), 125–141. Retrieved from



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