Simon, Julian L. (1969). Basic Research Methods in Social Science: The Art of Empirical Investigation. New York: Random House, 525 pp.


  • พนิดา ชินสุวพลา
  • ณัฐพล ขันธไชย
  • ทิพนาถ ชารีรักษ์


Empirical research, scientific method, logical empiricism


Empirical research in social science is a method of inquiry that employs scientific method and is based on empirical data as principal evidence. For these reasons, it can be regarded as scientific research that can lead to conclusion and a body of Knowledge by philosophy of logical empiricism. Quantitative and qualitative researches in social science could be classified into empirical research if they strictly employ the scientific method and are based on empirical data


Kerlinger. F.N. (1964). Foundations of Behavioral Research. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winsion
Kerlinger, F.N. and Lee, H.B. (2000) . Foundations of Behavioral Research, 4th edition. Fort Worth, Tx: Hartcourt College Publishers.




How to Cite

ชินสุวพลา พ., ขันธไชย ณ., & ชารีรักษ์ ท. (2019). Simon, Julian L. (1969). Basic Research Methods in Social Science: The Art of Empirical Investigation. New York: Random House, 525 pp. KASEM BUNDIT JOURNAL, 20(October), 110–116. Retrieved from