Peace Education: Roles and Activities onConf lict Transformation


  • Kasama Jitpiromsri สาขา Indo Pacific studies ณ มหาวิทยาลัย Jawaharlal Nehru



การเรียนสันติภาพศึกษา, ความขัดแย้ง, กระบวนการสันติภาพ, การแปรสภาพความขัดแย้ง, ภาคประชาสังคม, Peace Education, Conflict, Peace Processes, Conflict Transformation, Civil Society


Peace education on either primary school or high school curriculums are participation learning processes for building dialogue among students. The processes can build capacities and skills on tolerant and respected differences as well as empathy of the other in plural society. However, peace education can be the crucial mechanism on peace support, in case the schools are in area of violent conflict. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the roles of peace education in conflict transformation by studying the actual processes on peace education theories from theorists and practitioners as well as the experience of applying peace education in the case studies of countries in conflict such as Armenia and India. In addition, foreign experiences can be useful for Thai education in the face of current political conflict in Thai society consisting of conflict in terms of ideology in the deep south of Thailand.


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How to Cite

Jitpiromsri, K. (2017). Peace Education: Roles and Activities onConf lict Transformation. Walailak Journal of Learning Innovations, 1(1), 53–76.