Access to HIV drugs by infected patients: A case scenario if Thailand joins Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)


  • นันทินารี คงยืน


Trans - Pacific -Partnership Agreement /drug assess / HIV


            This qualitative study aimed to investigate the effect of joining the Trans-pacific partnership agreement (TPP) on HIV drugs access by infected patients in Thailand. The studied populations were medical specialist, economist and non-govermental organization (NGO) specialists. The interviewing method and secondary data were used for collecting data and interpreting data, respectively. Content analysis was used to analyze data and exhibit this study by the descriptive statistic. This study found that Thailand had three health care schemes consisted of Universal coverage scheme, Social Security scheme and Government or state enterprise officer scheme that had similarity in standard privileges such as physical examination, laboratory investigation and first line HIV drugs access However these three schemes had differences in second and third line drug accesses. Drug systems containing drug selection, drug procurement, drug distribution and, drug usage are also affected access of HIV drugs by infected patients. This study revealed the disagreement in joining TPP by Thailand. For many reasons due to a high level bilateral consultation of TPP and also the TPP confidential. Details revealed that original drugs had data exclusivity which leads to disadvantages on many systems including economic, public health, and social systems. The medical specialist suggested that Thailand carefully study the impacts of TPP, especially the development of system in drug license guideline, human resource improvement, and information system improvement, before joining TPP.


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How to Cite

คงยืน น. (2018). Access to HIV drugs by infected patients: A case scenario if Thailand joins Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 4(3), 349–358. Retrieved from



Original Article