From Social Responsibility to Creating Shared Value: The Sustainable Coexistence of Business and Society

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ศศิกานต์ จรณะกรัณย์


       This paper aims to study the roles of business in society as well as to review some core developments of social responsibility concepts proposed by Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer. Doing so, the article subsequently examines various forms of social responsibility of business which included Corporate Philanthropy, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and Creating Shared Value (CSV). The methodology employed in this paper is content analysis based on the studies of Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer during 1999 – 2011. The development of social responsibility concepts significantly reflects the changing relation between business and society; the business and the society become partners in, both economic and social, value creation. Such reciprocal shared values will bring sustainable coexistence to the business as well as the society.

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Academic Articles


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