Meditation and Spirituality as a teacher

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ฐิติวัสส์ สุขป้อม
ณัฏฐกรณ์ ปะพาน
สันทนา วิจิตรเนาวรัตน์
ปิยาภรณ์ เตชะเรืองรอง
อุดม ตะหน่อง


Each year we encounter international conflicts including religious conflicts and the human race. Those things have become a part of the way of life of people in modern times. Looks like this world is going to sink under the depression of the human mind. We may call this event "The crisis of not being in the flesh and the body" because we have completely cut off the relationship with the body and the existence of the flesh Many times we think that things come to fill in life. Can be found outside Human beings are therefore seeking to fulfill life "Outside the body" all the time Endlessly. The revision of "Absent-minded" is the return to consciousness, which is an important foundation of humanity, which is the "Way of bhavava" (Chitta -Bhavana) or referred to as "Concentration deficiency" is one of the three main symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. "Teacher" is a person who uses meditation to complement the development and fulfillment of child behavior. From kindergarten to tertiary level This article presents the dimension of meditation and relationship with teachers. By applying to teach and learning to students Which will directly benefit the implementation of a complete conscious life.

       Therefore, to make the student live with the body and mind requires many factors, such as resolutions, concentration and spiritual dimensions of the teacher, therefore there is a "Common point". Must relate by relying on each other by creating knowledge and transferring to students, Therefore will result in empirical results in peaceful coexistence in society.

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