Satisfaction of the Quality and Identity of Graduated Nurses, Boromrajonani College of Nursing Chainat in Academic Year 2015

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สุทิศา สงวนสัจ
มณฑาทิพย์ สุรินทร์อาภรณ์
ทิพวรรณ ตั้งวงค์กิจ
จารุณี จาดพุ่ม
สุวัฒนา เกิดม่วง


          The objective of this descriptive study was to study the satisfaction of the quality of graduates and the identity of graduated nurses finishing from Boromrajonani College of Nursing Chainat in Academic Year 2015. Samples were 143 employers of graduated nurses. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaires and were mailed to 143 employers with 62.94% of response rate. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics.

            The results showed that employers were satisfied with the quality of the graduates by Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Nursing with six domains at high level (μ = 3.91, σ =0.60), the ethics and moral domain showed the highest satisfaction (μ =4.15, σ =0.63), following by the interpersonal skill and responsibility domain (μ =3.94, σ =0.64), the cognitive skill domain reported the lowest satisfaction (μ =3.58, σ =0.53). According to the identity of graduated nurses, employers were satisfied with all aspects at high level (μ =3.87, σ =0.64), the service mind aspect displayed the highest satisfaction (μ =4.17, σ =0.66), following by the participatory aspect (μ =3.91, σ =0.5), the use of wisdom aspect showed the lowest satisfaction (μ =3.64, σ =0.57). There should be an adjustment in the teaching method by emphasizing the analytical thinking process such as inquiry-based learning, creativity-based learning, and integrating the use of wisdom in teaching and learning.

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