

  • พุทธิราภรณ์ หังสวนัส Mahidol University
  • โชติกา ภาษีผล Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
  • ศิริชัย กาญจนวาสี Faculty of Education


competency, nursing practice, labor room, nursing student, assessment center


This research study was pilot study focusing on: 1) developing a model of nursing practice competency assessment in labor room for nursing students by using an application of assessment center; 2) Studying the result of nursing practice competency assessment in labor room for nursing students by using an application of assessment center. The sample consisted of 3 persons was faculty member of nursing and 12 persons was nursing student in Bachelor of Nursing Science Program from a faculty of nursing in Bangkok that is accredited by Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council for 5 years and by inclusion criteria. Research instruments  were: 1) a model of nursing practice competency assessment in labor room for nursing students by using an application of Assessment Center; 2) a handbook for the model of nursing practice competency assessment in labor room; 3) simulation; 4) nursing record; 5) nursing performance evaluation form; and 6) a knowledge test. The findings revealed that time of nursing practice competency assessment in assessment center, the station for admit and nursing record used the highest time (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 16.25, SD = 3.72). Time of summary scores, the station for delivery baby, delivery of the placenta, and nursing record used the highest time (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 3.25, SD = .45). Time of feedback, the station for delivery baby, delivery of the placenta, and nursing record used the highest time (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.17, SD = .58). Nursing student had the highest skill, behavior and nursing record score for placenta assessment (gif.latex?\bar{X}= 25, SD = 1.04). Skill and behavior score and knowledge score were not correlation significant differences in statistical at .05.

Author Biographies

โชติกา ภาษีผล, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

ศิริชัย กาญจนวาสี, Faculty of Education

Faculty of Education


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