Promoting Employment and Managing Diversity for People with Disabilities in Thailand 4.0 Agenda

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นราเขต ยิ้มสุข
กฤษฎา ธีระโกศลพงศ์


This article aimed to study the promoting employment and managing diversity for people with disabilities were studied. Documents were descriptively analyzed, emphasizing Thailand’s development strategy and decent work framework offered by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Results were that legal and policy dimensions of employment and protection of the disabled were supported. Societal attitudes created stigma and discrimination against people with disabilities, but social practice promoting skills development and job creation for disabled individuals can decrease conditions of dependency and the burden on social services. Guidelines for promoting the employment of people with disabilities in Thailand might learn from the experience in business corporations of the ILO in terms of issues of disabled persons, as the issue of people with disabilities is advanced in the agenda of Thailand 4.0

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How to Cite
ยิ้มสุข น., & ธีระโกศลพงศ์ ก. (2018). Promoting Employment and Managing Diversity for People with Disabilities in Thailand 4.0 Agenda. Journal of Social Development and Management Strategy, 20(1), 77–96. Retrieved from
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