Self-Disclosure in First-Encounter Conversations: A Comparative Study of Thai and Japanese

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Yuphawan Sopitvutiwong


Self-disclosure is a crucial element in first-encounter conversations. This research compares and analyses two sets of 12 fifteen-minute semi-natural conversations, each between two female student participants of the same nationality, and at the same age or in the same year of study at university. Participants of the one set are of Thai nationality, and the other Japanese. The result displays that both Thai and Japanese participants exhibit a comparable level of reciprocal information exchanges. Names, years of study at university, and majors, which are inherently available pieces of information, are among the most revealed personal information. Non-reciprocal information disclosure, however, happens when one party possesses a piece of information not matched by the other party e.g. studying abroad, which renders reciprocal information exchanges unattainable. In addition, the study discovers characteristic patterns of self-disclosure unique to participants of each nationality. For example, A Japanese tends to provide pieces information parallel to ones acquired, while a Thai tends to reveal information relatively more concretely and voice negative opinions even in first-encounter conversations. This finding offers potential benefits to Japanese language education in Thailand.

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