Education During the Meiji Restoration Seen Through a Comparative Study of 2 Juvenile Literature HITOFUSA NO BUDOU (A Bunch of Grapes) and SEIBEI TO HYOUTAN (Seibei and his Gourds)

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Nanchaya Mahakhan


This study aims to analyze Japanese education, Japanese society, culture, thoughts, and norm during the educational transformation period reflected through juvenile literature from Meiji (1868-1912 A.D.) throughout Taisho Era (1912-1926 A.D.). The two juvenile literature discussed in this study are Bunch of Grapes 「一房の葡萄」(1920) by Arishima Takeo(有島武郎)(1878-1923) and Seibei and His Gourds 「清兵衛と瓢箪」(1914) by Shiga Naoya(志賀直哉)(1883-1971).The findings showed that both of the writers displayed that Japanese people educated their children through schooling system which its major elements were education policy, teachers, and students. During the Meiji Era, the education system was in accordance with the government’s Fukokukyohei (富国強兵)policy where its focus was on national and military stability. The Ministry of Education was established, and Educational Act and Command were promulgated. These two forms of legislation had significant impact on pedagogical philosophy. Although advanced knowledge from the West was required, national moral education was used as the fundamental footprint. The two juvenile literature displayed lifestyle of children under this education policy. The complexities of these two stories simultaneously existed in educational and social context but they were solved by different resolutions.

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