Participation of Private Rescue Volunteers in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province


  • สาธิต วงค์จันทร์
  • พีระ พันธุ์งาม
  • สุรเจต ไชยพันธ์พงษ์
  • สิทธิเดช อภัยนนท์


participation, rescue volunteers, Muang Phayao district


         This study aims to For the study of research on the participation of private rescue volunteers In Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province is a quantitative research (Quantitative Research) The method used to collect data by using questionnaires is the Checklist. The population used in this study is 93 private rescue volunteers in Mueang Phayao district. The students have determined the statistical significance at the level of 0.05 using statistics. the basic Percentage, mean and standard deviation The findings of the participation of private rescue volunteers in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province found that
         1. Participation in the three aspects including planning Performance Evaluation With a high level of satisfaction, with a mean of 3.47, standard deviation of 0.38, and performance participation with the highest mean of 4.59, standard deviation of 0.37, followed by planning participation with mean 3.04 standard deviation of 0.41, while the service satisfaction with the lowest mean value is participation in evaluation With an average of 2.79, standard deviation of 0.38, respectively
         2. Participation in planning of private rescue volunteers in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province is in moderate participation level. With the highest mean In the planning of the use of materials and equipment in the operation of rescue rescuers at a high level Followed by the participation in analyzing the approach to solving problems at the high level as well. As for the participation in the formulation of the activity plan, the rescue operation in the area is at a moderate level. And participation in being a committee of rescue rescuers at a low level, respectively
         3. Participation in the performance of private rescue volunteers in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province is at the highest level. With the highest mean The rescue volunteers should have more operational skills than academic work. In which participation in the development of competency skills by accepting Training with other agencies is at the highest level. And followed by being involved in the operation according to the operational policy of the rescue rescuers at the highest level as well And participation in the preparation of tools, equipment, facilities to wait for the operation Can be used correctly at a high level, respectively
        4. Participation in evaluation At a moderate level By volunteer private rescue volunteers in Mueang Phayao District, Phayao Province participated in the evaluation of the quality of rescue work at a moderate level As for the participation in the evaluation of the rescue work, the rescuers are at a moderate level as well. And participation in conferences, summaries and improvements in the operation of rescue rescuers at a moderate level, respectively

Author Biographies

สาธิต วงค์จันทร์

Satid Wongjun
M.B.A. student, Pacific Institute of Management Science

พีระ พันธุ์งาม

Peera Panngam
Lecturer, Pacific Institute Management Science

สุรเจต ไชยพันธ์พงษ์

Surajet Chaiphanphong
Lecturer, Pacific Institute Management Science

สิทธิเดช อภัยนนท์

Sitthieet Aphainon
Lecturer, Pacific Institute Management Science


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