Study of soil properties after pomelo orchard restoration from flooding in Sam Phran district, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand

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Pongnart Nartvaranant


The objective of this research was to evaluate soil fertility in pomelo orchard after restoration from flooding. The research was conducted at pomelo orchards in Sam Phran district, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand. Results indicated no significant differences in soil pH, organic matter content, soil nutrient (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) concentrations among the ridged new bed orchards, the used old bed orchards and the survived orchard from flooding (P > 0.05). While, the soil physical property analysis for the 1st sampling showed that the ridged new bed orchards had the significantly highest soil bulk density (1.57 g cm-3) compared to the survived orchard (1.47 g cm-3) and the used old bed orchards (1.30 g cm-3) (P ≤ 0.05), respectively. For soil porosity, the used old bed orchards had the significantly highest soil porosity (52.49 %) compared to the survived orchard (44.28%) and the ridged new bed orchard (40.26 %) (P ≤ 0.05), respectively and the same soil physical property results expressed in the 2nd sampling. However, there were no significant differences in leaf nutrient concentrations, shoot length and leaf length among those orchards. Thus, it can be concluded that the different methods in pomelo orchard restoration affected soil physical properties but it did not affect plant growth or leaf nutrients. However, it might be site specific unsuitable management in orchard restoration as the same research conducted in the other area gave no significant differences in any soil property studied.

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How to Cite
Nartvaranant, P. (2017). Study of soil properties after pomelo orchard restoration from flooding in Sam Phran district, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 12(4), 1–6.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Pongnart Nartvaranant, Nakhon Pathom Rajabaht University

Divition of crop production technology

Faculty of Science and Technology