Legal Measure Encouraging the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Thermal Power Plant.

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สุปวีณ์ กรดเสือ


Green house gas was both produced naturally or from human activity. The well known green house gas was carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, nitrous oxide and CFC for instance. These gas were heat wave (infrared) absorbent which help maintain the earth temperature balance. However, if the concentration of green house gas in earth atmosphere were raised, earth temperature will increase accordingly.

The significant sources of green house gas were all coming from human activities, especially, the energy supply sector. The proportion of green house gas emission was highest in electricity production in accordance with high demand in electricity. Therefore, in order to resolved the issue, members of world community come together and established the United Nations Convention on Climate change. The purpose of the convention was to control green house gas emission to the unharmed level. Kyoto protocol, was also established as a tangible guideline and goal in green house gas emission reduction, binding the relating parties as mutual commitment. Some countries released the law in accordance with the convention and protocol such as Mexico and UK.

Thermal power plant was the mandatory sources of Thailand’s electrical production. There was significant amount of fossils fuels being use to produce electricity causing high green house gas emission to the atmosphere. Although, Thai government release many policy to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas, the law enforced in present was still not practicable. Thai greenhouse gas emission reduction policy and law was still not effective enough to help reducing green house gas as it should be.

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How to Cite
กรดเสือ ส. (2019). Legal Measure Encouraging the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Thermal Power Plant. CRRU Law, Political Science and Social Science Journal, 3(1), 1–16. Retrieved from
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