แนวทางการเพิ่มเงินออมของนายทหารชั้นประทวนที่เป็นสมาชิกสหกรณ์ออมทรัพย์กองพันทหารราบที่ 3 กรมทหารราบที่ 8 จำกัด The Guideline To Increase The Saving for Non-Commissioned Officers Who are The Members of The Third Infantry Battalion, The Eighth Infantry Regiment Saving Cooperative Limited

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อนุชา มหาลีวีรัศมี
ภูมิสิทธิ์ มหาสุวีระชัย


This study explores ways to increase savings for non-commissioned officers who are members of savings cooperatives under the Third Infantry Battalion Eighth Infantry Regiment. The purpose of this study is to examine saving behavior and to find ways to increase savings. Questionnaire was used to collect savings behavior data. The invitations were sent to 158 non-commissioned officers to participate “Save More Tomorrow Project”. It was an automatic invitation where the receivers can resign from being the member if they do not wish to participate. The project will take the future salary as the savings amount. The study found that most of the non-commissioned officers realize the important savings and would like to increase but they can not force themselves to increase savings because their living style was the Present-biased Preference which led to procrastination and Loss Aversion behavior this was a barrier to savings. Therefore, automatic savings was a better way to start savings by themselves . This led to the sending of invitation letter to 158 non-commissioned officers to participate “Save More Tomorrow Project”. The result of sending letters of invitation found that there were two people who did not wish to participate in the program. The program can increase the savings for non-commissioned officers in the short term, i.e. those who participate in the program have a savings-to-salary ratio increased from 4.78% in October 2016 to 5.75% in April 2017.

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