ความคิดเห็นของเภสัชกรเจ้าของร้านยาและเจ้าหน้าที่ควบคุมร้านยาในนครหลวงเวียงจันทน์ต่อกฎหมายที่บังคับใช้ในร้านยาของ สปป. ลาว The Drug-Store Pharmacists’ and Government Officers’ Opinions Regarding Laws Governing Drug Store in Lao PDR

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ทิพภาวดี สู้ยยะวงศ์
สุพัตรา ชาติบัญชาชัย


This study aimed to survey opinions of drug-store pharmacists and controlling officers regarding laws governing drug stores in Lao PDR that issued in 2016. The study collected data by using questionnaires, which focused on three parts; place, product and service, with 123 pharmacists and 33 officers. And the study also had focus group discussion with six officers during June to November 2016. The result showed that most pharmacists agreed with pharmacy practice in drugstore according to the law as follows; For place 98.4%: moving place of drugstore requires prior authorization, should have enough sun protection, and storage must be organized by category or alphabet. For product 98.4% : availability of quality product and for service 94.3%: pharmacists should always be on duty. And the pharmacists disagreed with the law as follows ; For place 8.1%: necessary to have a sink and a glass door, for product 11.4%: keeping prescriptions, and for service 15.5%: allowing other person to use their license to open a drugstore. The officers t agreed with pharmacy practice in drugstore according to the law; For place 75.8%: to seize and penalize when found illegal product, For product 87.9%: warning should be given for selling non-essential medicines, and pharmacists do not keep prescriptions. For service 87.9%: warning should be given when pharmacists do not provide counseling. The officers disagreed with pharmacy practice in drugstore according to the law; For place 69.7% : disagreed with closing drugstore that moved without permission, for product 69.7% : disagreed with warning when processed counterfeit medicine, and closing drugstore that do not have the right medicine bill, and for service 39.4%: disagreed with warning when pharmacists did not write full label. The focus group result found that 1) Pharmacist and the assistant should be easily distinguished during pharmacy practice. 2) Assistant should not allow to work as substitute pharmacists and pharmacists should always be on duty. 3) Officers should be allowed to operate their own pharmacies. 4) Pharmacy Practice in drugstore according to the law must be enforced in the same direction from central to regional. From the result of this study, the pharmacy council should be established for internal auditing, and officers training to have an understanding of pharmacy inspection.

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