ต้นทุนและผลตอบแทนในการเพาะเลี้ยงจิ้งหรีดเชิงพาณิชย์ Cost and Return of Commercial Cricket Farming

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ณัฐเสฏฐ์ สร้อยทองดี
นภาพร นิลาภรณ์กุล


This study aimed to study the cost of cricket farming initiation, analyze cost per unit (kg), the return on cricket farming, and the break-even point. Data were collected through interviews with two cricket farmers; one independent farmer, and one farm member. Cost analysis was the cost per unit of production, the return was in the form of profit per unit, breakeven point, return on investment, and internal rate of return. The results revealed that there were two major types of cricket farming investment: independent farming and network farming. The independent farming total cost of culture was about 100 baht per kilogram, while network farming total cost was about 85 baht per kilogram. The return on the cricket culture was calculated from the retail price of 100-120 baht per kilogram, and the wholesale price was around 90 baht per kilogram when sold to the farm father. Net profit was about 2,000-7,000 baht per production cycle, which took about 2 months. The breakeven point per cycle was 17.27 kilograms for Independent Farm, and 33 Kilograms for Network Farm. Return on investment was estimated at 20% - 40% per year. Based on the findings, the commercial cricket investment had the potential to expand from household businesses to commercial operations as rate of return will be higher when increase the production.

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