The Pattern of Marketing Department of Autonomous University at a Level of Graduate Program


  • Sirinya Chaiworarat Doctor Student, Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University
  • Taksaya Sahngayotin Lecturer, Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University
  • Rapeeporn Srijumpa Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Commerce, Burapha University


The Pattern of Marketing Department, Autonomous university


The purpose of this research was to study about establishment of marketing structure in national university focusing on level of graduate study by means of group meeting and conducting the research by applying the Delphi Technique as a tool for data collection.  This research collected data from the management of autonomous university. The research population includes 8 participants of management level from autonomous university, 5 participants of management level from private university as well as 5 participants at management level in marketing department from private company; therefore, there are 18 participants in total. Moreover, this research had been assured the structure by setting up a group meeting by 7 specialists. It was found that organizing of marketing structure in autonomous university focusing on graduate study level is significant and should be in urgency. Its name shall not be called only as a Marketing Sector but it shall be called as “Marketing Sector and Organizational Communication”. As a result, the structure of Marketing Sector and Organizational Communication will be adapted due to the university’s size. For a Medium-sized to a large-sized university, their structures should to divided into two parts. It is required to provide Marketing and Organizational Communication Office for University working as a central bureau. Its initial structure includes 5 positions which are a head of department in one position who is an outsider working as a marketing personnel, 2 marketers and one public relation officer directly reporting to Associate Dean who is responsible for providing strategies and must have marketing and public relation department in each faculty/ university. There are at least 4 people that consist of 1 head department, 2 marketers, and 1 information technology officer directly reporting to the Dean of each faculty/ university. For the small-sized universities, they must have the office of marketing and public relation as same as for a Medium-sized and large-sized universities that need 1 marketer and 1 corporate communication officer directly reporting to concern Associate Dean. In addition, if national universities have marketing and corporate communication departments, they will gain more profits effectively. Moreover, the universities will have good image and be more widespread in the community in order to provide employment in doing research and offering jobs for university students in the future. 


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How to Cite

Chaiworarat, S., Sahngayotin, T., & Srijumpa, R. (2018). The Pattern of Marketing Department of Autonomous University at a Level of Graduate Program. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 10(3), 275–288. Retrieved from



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