การศึกษาความเครียดและวิธีเผชิญความเครียดของนักเรียนระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย ในอำเภอเมือง จังหวัดตรัง Study of Stress and Coping Strategies of High School Student in Muang District, Trang Province

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วรรณกร พลพิชัย
จันทรา อุ้ยเอ้ง


The objectives of this research were as followings: 1) to study stress of high school students 2) to compare stress of high school students according to their personal factors.            3) Stress coping strategies of high school students. The participants were high school students in Muang district, Trang province. The population were 3,223 and 356 sampled. The sample selection was based on a stratified random sampling technique with student’s population in each school. Research instrument were questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using statistical methods; including average, percentage, t – test, F – test, and LSD. The statistical significance level was .05. The results had concluded as followings: firstly, most students had stress at high level among of 52.1%. Secondly, difference in gender, education program and job’s mother had contributed to difference to stress with the statistical significance level of .05. 3) The student had the moderate level coping stress with problem focused coping strategies, while had the low level coping stress with emotion focused coping and less focused coping strategies.

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