กระบวนการพัฒนาเชื้อเพลิงชีวมวลภาคครัวเรือนเพื่อลดการใช้แก๊สหุงต้ม The Development Process of Household Biomass Energy for Reduction Using Cooking Gas

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ดร.กฤตพร แซ่แง่ สายจันทร์
ดร.ลัญจกรณ์ นิลกาญจน์



          The present study aimed 1) to study the process of developing household biomass fuel to reduce the use of cooking gas at Ban Khlongkhian Sufficiency Economy Community in Kapang Sub-district and 2) to pass on this knowledge to people who were interested in developing household biomass fuel in order to minimize using cooking gas.

          The instruments for data collection included a survey, an observation, a participant interview, non-participant interview and a group seminar. The findings show that:

  1. There were many types of wood in Kasom Community, such as wood from fruit trees, stick, grass, wood from rubber trees and from wild trees. This wood sometime became garbage and pollution which were easy to find and priceless. Households in the community could use this wood as biomass fuel for their boiling, stewing and other ways of cooking that consumed a great number of gas in order to save money.

  2. Some people in Ban Khlongkhian Sufficiency Economy Community in Kapang Sub-district had been interested in and tried to reduce costs of cooking gases. When the researchers and the scholars went to the community, these people expressed their interest and wanted to learn to use this knowledge in their daily life. They conducted a small experiment and exchanged their experiences with the researcher team. This would lead to further continued cooperation on biomass utilization in households between the people and the researcher team.

Administrative recommendations

  1. Local administrative organizations should set the target area for cooking gas reduction and encourage people in that area to use gasification stoves in terms of budget and academic results. This way can result in a measurable reduced cost.

  2. The organizations which use a large amount of cooking gases should consider using gasification stoves. Comparing the expenses on using normal cooking gas with those of gasification stoves will reveal the differences between the expenses of the two kinds of gases.

Academic recommendations

  1. Studies on ways to save cost of cooking gases in medium and big organizations should be carried out for future application under the management team’s consideration.

  2. Graduate students should be encouraged to conduct a research study on other kinds of renewable energy.

Keyword : biomass fuel, household, reduction of cooking gas use


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