A Causal Relationship Model of Factors Influencing Effectiveness the Royal Thai Army Branch Service Schools

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บรรจง มิตรมูลพิทักษ์
สนั่น ประจงจิตร


The purposes of this study were 1) to study factors that influence the effectiveness of the

Royal Thai Army Branch Service Schools 2) to examine suitability and accordance of a causal

relationship model of factors that influence the effectiveness of the Royal Thai Army Branch

Service Schools and empirical data and 3) to present a casual relationship model of factors

that influence the effectiveness of the Royal Thai Army Branch Service Schools. A sample was

randomly selected from the Royal Thai Army Branch Service School teachers. The tool is the

questionnaires developed by the researcher. The statistics used in data analysis were descriptive

statistics, correlation coefficient analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation

model analysis.

The finding indicated that 1) factors that influence the effectiveness of the Royal Thai Army

Branch Service Schools were transformational leadership, emotional quotient, competencies of

school administrators and learning organization 2) a causal relationship model of factors that

influence the effectiveness of the Royal Thai Army Branch Service Schools has consisted with

the empirical data 3) a causal relationship model of factors that influence the effectiveness

of the Royal Thai Army Branch Service Schools that (1) the direct effect has 3 factors: learning

organization; competencies of school administrators and transformational leadership with the influence

coefficients at 0.94, 0.34 and -0.14 respectively, (2) the indirect effect has 3 factors: emotional

quotient; transformational leadership and competencies of school administrators with the

influence coefficients at 0.77, 0.71 and 0.01 respectively and (3) the total effect has 4 factors: learning organization; emotional quotient; transformational leadership and competencies of school

administrators with the influence coefficients at 0.96, 0.77, 0.57 and 0.34 respectively.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


กรมสุขภาพจิต. (๒๕๔๓). อีคิว: ความฉลาดทางอารมณ์. นนทบุรี: สำนักพัฒนาสุขภาพจิต.

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