Classroom Scheduling System using Genetic Algorithm

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อมฤตา ฤทธิภักดี


This research presented a development of classroom scheduling system using Genetic Algorithm. The classroom scheduling has always been a problem that most education institutes encounter every semester. The classroom arrangement is related to very important factors such as available courses, number of students, period and number of classrooms. Using Genetic Algorithm for a classroom scheduling aims to find the best classroom with complex conditions such as number of students, period to serve number of student which efficiently matches with number of available classrooms in order to avoid classroom overlapping. The evaluation performance of classroom schedule system using Genetic Algorithm comprises with 4 aspects, 1) the evaluation of data validity is in a good result 2) the evaluation of system function is in a good result 3) the evaluation of user-friendly of the system is in a very good result and 4) the evaluation of accuracy of the system design is in a good result.

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How to Cite
ฤทธิภักดี อ. (2018). Classroom Scheduling System using Genetic Algorithm. NKRAFA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 14, 98–104. Retrieved from
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