Appropriate Maintenance Strategies for Power Distribution Systems

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อรรพงษ์ โภชน์เกาะ
ชีวินทร์ ลิ้มศิริ


The study of appropriate maintenance strategies for the power distribution system aims  to study and analyze the causes of power distribution system failure. Moreover the maintenance strategies to reduce the damages of the power distribution system failure are proposed. Considering the record of accumulated interruption data between 2555-2558 of Provincial Electricity Authority Nakhon- ratchasima, the causes of the failure were found by using root cause analysis.    After that by using descriptive statistics to analyze the problems, which can be found that the failure occurred in 3 main causes. The failure of the power distribution system caused by the environment is about 70 percent which more than 3 times of the disruption caused by equipment and others. The failure caused by the environment consists of trees, animals and natural disasters. This study proposed 3 M 1 R strategy (3 maintenance 1 recovery) to reduce the damage caused by the failure of the power distribution system.

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How to Cite
โภชน์เกาะ อ., & ลิ้มศิริ ช. (2019). Appropriate Maintenance Strategies for Power Distribution Systems. NKRAFA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 15, 112–123. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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