An Error Analysis of Thai Writing of Generation Y Students

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จินตนา พุทธเมตะ


    The objectives of this research were to analyze errors of Thai language writing of Generation Y students. The purposively selected research sample totaling 100 students consisted of those studying in the following programs: (1) Computer Engineering, (2) Farm Technology Management, and (3) Personnel and Organizational Management.  All of the students in the sample were in the Generation Y or the Millennial Group, i.e. those who were born during B.E. 2524–2543 (A.D. 1981–2000) and had studied in the Thai Language for Communication Course Based on Program Identity. Data for error analysis was taken from 100 pieces of essays in Thai language written by 100 students in the sample. Data was analyzed with content analysis and analysis results were presented in terms of analytical description.
     Research findings showed that there were four aspects of Generation Y students’ Thai language writing errors: (1) incorrectness in writing based on the principle of correct spelling and pronunciation; (2) incorrectness in the use of words; (3) incorrectness in the use of sentences; and (4) incorrectness in spacing, paragraph writing, and the use of punctuation marks. The above errors could be ranked as follows: The first rank error was the incorrectness in writing based on the principle of correct spelling and pronunciation, with 99 students or 99 percent committing this error. The second rank error eas the incorrectness in the use of words, with 72 students or 72 percent committing this error. The third rank error is the incorrectness in the use of sentences, with 51 students or 51 percent committing this error. The fourth or the lowest rank error is the incorrectness in spacing, paragraph writing, and the use of punctuation marks, with 32 students or 32 percent committing this error.
        The errors that are most often found in each aspect can be specified as follows: In the first aspect which is the incorrectness in writing based on the principle of correct spelling and pronunciation, the most often found error is the incorrectness in writing tonal marks.  In the second aspect which is the incorrectness in the use of words, the most often found error is the incorrect partitioning of words. In the third aspect which is the incorrectness in the use of sentences, the most often found error is the incorrect use by addition of the word or words that are not a part of the sentence.  In the fourth aspect which is the incorrectness in spacing, paragraph writing, and the use of punctuation marks, the most often found error is the incorrectness in spacing.



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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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