A Framework of Cost Plus Gas (CPG) Bidding Method for Road Construction that Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions using Incentive.

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Mathagul Metham


Abstract – Road constructions plays a significant role in greenhouse gas (GHG) release into the atmosphere which due to consume a great deal of energy, materials and machinery. The voluntary GHG reduction by contractors is rare because outweigh obvious benefits. This incentive framework will propose a cost + gas (CPG) bidding method which gather the reduction options to reducing GHG by contractors, which will pay benefit back to them via construction contract. The levels of reducing GHG in each option is conformed to eco-cost that is value in carbon market. The eco-cost will use to discount initial construction cost of each offered bid. The proposed framework will be able to 1) analyse and reveal performance of all of options to reducing GHG and changeable the bid winner, and 2) create incentive to contractors who are do not offered the minimised bid, but they will probably to be the bid winner by the benefit from the reducing GHG emission levels.

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How to Cite
Metham, M. (2016). A Framework of Cost Plus Gas (CPG) Bidding Method for Road Construction that Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions using Incentive. Naresuan University Engineering Journal, 11(1), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.14456/nuej.2016.19
Research Paper


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