Development Personal Financial Management Model of Government Officials In The Royal Thai Navy


  • พรพระพรหม ธรรมนิตยกุล สาขาการจัดการความปลอดภัย คณะตำรวจศาสตร์ โรงเรียนนายร้อยตำรวจ
  • อุทันรัตน์ เมืองแสน


Finance management behavior, Personal finance management behavior, Finan-cial well-being


The objective of the research were 1) To study factors that affecting the Financial wellbeing. of government officials in the Royal Thai Navy. 2) To study the influence of factors that affecting the Financial well-being. of government officials in the Royal Thai Navy. 3) To develop personal financial management model of government officials in The Royal Thai Navy. It is mixed methods collecting data from a group of government officials in The Royal Thai Navy in order to study the Socio-demographic features, Financial knowledge, Attitudes toward money and Sufficiency Economy influencing Personal finance management behavior and Financial well-being of government officials in The Royal Thai Navy. The tool in this research is interview and questionnaires by collecting as qualitative model with in-depth interview method of 10 samples with quantitative question of 400 samples. Researchers use descriptive analysis as the percentage, standard deviation, and mean in terms of Pearson’s analysis of correlation coefficient with LISREL for Windows version 8.80 program.

The result indicated that the cause of all factors influences directly positive to Personal finance management behavior and influences indirectly positive to Financial well-being of government officials in The Royal Thai Navy significantly as the statistical number of 0.01.


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