Good Governance in Procurement Process and Supplies of Sub district Administration Organization in Bang Rakam District Phitsanulok Province


  • ณัษฐนนท ทวีสิน วิทยาลัยทองสุข
  • ธรรศพงศ์ วงษ์สวัสดิ์ วิทยาลัยทองสุข


Good Governance, Procurement process and Parcel


This research entitled 1) to study good governance in the procurement and subcontracting process of Sub district Administrative Organization in Bang Rakam District. 2) to compare the opinions on the procurement process and good governance in purchasing and procurement of Administrative organizations, Classified by personal factors; 3) to compare the good governance in purchasing and procurement of Administration Organization, Classified by procurement process.

The target group used in this study was the Administration Organization in Bang Rakam District. samples 96 people classified (1) Administration executives were the sub district administrative directors and the sub district presidents were 24 people; (2) Procurement of Sub district Administration Organization were 24 people; (3) director of Sub-district Administrative Organization Commissioner opens Community from the public sector, sub-district administration, were 6 people, total of 48 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire; statistics used include mean, standard deviation and hypothesis testing t-test and analysis ANOVA by testing different pairs the LSD.

The research endings that

Good Governance the procurement and procurement process of Administration Organization in Bang Rakam District, Phitsanulok. The mean scores were at a high level.

The comparison of individual factors, including gender, age, education and work experience, Opinions on the procurement process and good governance in the Procurement and Procurement Process of Sub district Administration Organization in Bang Rakam District, The results of the comparison of the procurement process had an influence on the good governance in purchasing and procurement of the Administration Organization in Bang Rakam District, Phitsanulok was significantly different at 0.05


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