Quality of management in educational institutions


  • นฤมล เจริญพรสกุล นักวิชาการอิสระ
  • สุชาติ ค้าทางชล นักวิชาการอิสระ
  • เพ็ญศรี บางบอน คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร


Quality manager place of Educational


Management by overview Affect the success of the organization. Even if it is not visible. It can be measured and evaluated. Management makes resources cost-effective and productive. The organization will achieve its goals. Management is a technique that brings together members of the organization. In practice, management intent is to determine the scope of work of the members of the organization. And it is the best way to work. It also helps to improve the quality of life of personnel. And it is the best way to work. Management helps create employment. People make money. It is a mechanism to drive the economy in society and the nation. Globalization makes any operation. The complexity is growing. The context has changed dramatically. The future of organizations, both public and private, is difficult to predict what will happen in the near future. Both positive and negative effects on the environment. This is a highly competitive era. To be effective management. And the plan. Key Skills of Management It is important to be able to sustain the organization itself. There are three levels of management: high, middle and high. ”Management is an activity„ because management must design the work of the organization to support and guide the way people work. Individuals in the organization align with organizational goals. The role of middle management in management Mid-level executives play an important role in implementing a master plan or policy into a work plan. And is responsible for evaluating the performance. To lead the solution, change, change and define the corporate policy. It is a link between top management and top management. But before the details of each skill. We should understand the executive meaning. As well as duties And the role of administration. To lead the direction. In this case, we will discuss the important qualities of good and effective school administrators.


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