The Budget Administration for the 15 years of free education private schools belong to Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service


  • วัฒนา จินดาวัฒน์ อาจารย์ประจําหลักสูตร สาขาวิชาบริหารการศึกษา สถาบันเทคโนโลยีแห่งสุวรรณภูมิ


The Budget Administration, The 15 years of free Education, Private Schools, Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


The research “The Budget Administration for the 15 years of free education private schools belong to Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1.” the objective 1) To study The budget for the 15 years of free education private schools belong to Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 2) To study the problem in The budget for the 15 years of free education private schools belong to Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 3) To study how to solve problem of The budget for the 15 years of free education private schools belong to Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. To use quantitative research by Using a questionnaire created by the experts determine authenticity. The accuracy of the content About 15 years free of charge for 6 issues includes costs related to the teaching and learning, the textbook, the school supplies, uniforms, the development of quality learning activities and other expenses. Data collection from school administrators or agents and Deputy school administration academic department or agent of private school students, pre-primary, primary, secondary school, high school belong to Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 amount 88 people. Data were analyzed using computer software SPSS.

The research found that (1)The private school students, pre-primary, primary, secondary school, high school belong to Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 use budget for the 15 years of free belong to government regulations every school. (2) Problems and obstacles in budget management. The cost of school uniforms issues sufficient to the needs of students the lowest average 3.00. (3) To solve the problems of budget management by the school are meeting for understanding with parents is the responsibility of parents and suggestion from parents of student that the government increased the budget for the uniforms more than ever because most parents are low income.


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