Factors Affecting the Competitivenessof Small and Medium Muslim Entrepreneur in Three Southern Border Provinces


  • มีเดียน จูมะ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเด็จเจ้าพระยา


Islamic perspective, Marketing capability, Adaptability, Product Development, Competitive strategy, Competitive advantage


In this research, the researcher examines the causal influences of factors on the competitiveness of small and medium sized Muslim entrepreneurs in three provinces south border of Thailand.

In carrying out this investigation, the researcher collected data from 384 small and medium Muslim entrepreneurs in order to develop an appropriate structural equation model (SEM). Subsequently the data were analyzed by applications of the Statistical Product and Service Solutions for Personal Computers (SPSS/PC) software program and the linear structural relations (LISREL) software program.

In studying the factors influencing competitiveness, the researcher found that there were five major factors: Islamic perspective; marketing capability; adaptability; product development and competitive strategy. In determining the causal influences of these major factors, the researcher found the following: The adjusted model showed congruence with empirical data at a good level with Chi-square = 704.62, df = 283, (χ²/df) = 2.489 although it is over 2.00 but not more than 5. it is acceptable to statistically, P-value = 0.00, GFI = 0.92, AGFI = 0.91 and RMSEA = 0.062 even though it is above 0.05 but it is at a good level and acceptable in statistical terms. The results show that the modified equation model in the overall corresponds to the empirical data.

Findings are as follows: Islamic perspective exhibited positive direct influence on marketing capability at the statistically significant level of .01. Islamic perspective evinced positive direct influence on adaptability at the statistically significant level of .01. Islamic perspective exhibited positive direct influence on product development at the statistically significant level of .01. Islamic perspective evinced positive direct influence on competitive strategic at the statistically significant level of .01. Islamic perspective displayed positive direct influence on competitive advantage at the statistically significant level of .01. Marketing capability showed positive direct influence on competitive advantage at the statistically significant level of .05. Adaptability evinced positive direct influence on competitive strategic at the statistically significant level of .01. Product development displayed positive direct influence on competitive advantage at the statistically significant level of .01. Competitive strategy exhibited positive direct influence on competitive advantage at the statistically significant level of .01. Finally, Islamic perspective displayed positive indirect influence on competitive advantage through marketing capability, adaptability, product development and competitive strategy at the statistically significant level of .01.


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