The Influence of Online Channels to Convince People to do Cosmetic Surgery


  • ณัฐฐาภณิตา รพีพงษ์พัฒนา สาขาวิชาการบริหารการพัฒนา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา


Online Channels, Convince, Decision, Cosmetic Surger


Research Influence of online channels on motivating consumers to make cosmetic surgery decisions. The purpose is to study online communication channels. Transfer of experience And marketing promotion influences awareness, attention, needs, and decision-making in cosmetic surgery. Data were collected from 525 Thai and American cosmetic surgeons who were members of the Association of Thai Plastic Surgeons, namely Bangkok, Chonburi, Nonthaburi, Phuket and Chiang Mai. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 5 cosmetic surgeons using the questionnaire. And interviews respectively. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation. Path Analysis (Classification Analysis) (Discriminant Analysis) and Content Analysis. Online communication with Facebook gives you the most information about cosmetic surgery. Secondly, tweets, YouTube, the Internet, and the Internet. The sharing experience is a way to get information about aesthetic surgery without having to seek it. And more than advertising through salespeople, the sample has the most demand for plastic surgery. And when analyzing the overall influence of the first three causes of causal variables on cosmetic surgery decisions. This is the experience, interest and needs, with the weight values of 0.51 0.45 and 0.31, respectively. The analysis of the classification of the group who had decided to make cosmetic surgery six priority. The needs for cosmetic surgery, attention, decision-making, motivation, staff, line media, and anesthetics, and the features of a group that have never performed cosmetic surgery are three priorities: advertising, writing blogs or reviews. And the reduction, redemption, or installment payment, with the centenary value of the group had never and did cosmetic surgery were 0.551 and -0.637, respectively.


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