The Scenario of Competency for a Middle-Industrial Labor in the Electric Vehicle Industry


  • ทรรศนะ บุญขวัญ


The scenario of competency for middle-industrial labor, Electric vehicle industry


             The purpose of this research was to the scenario of competency for middle-industrial labor in the electric vehicle industry. A multi-method research strategy included Ethnographic Future Research and Delphi Technique or Ethnographic Delphi Future Research (EDFR). The data used in this research came from in-depth interviews with government agencies and industry associates related to labor policy, employers, directors of public and private vocational colleges, and executives of automotive companies in a total of 19 persons. The results showed that need of the scenario of competency for a middle-industrial labor in the electric vehicle industry would be (1) threshold abilities competencies which key performance indicators were career skills, know-how and knowledge, and (2) differentiation outstanding competencies which key performance indicators were effective collaboration, self-development, traits, and ethical personality.

Author Biography

ทรรศนะ บุญขวัญ

Thasana Boonkwan
Saint John's University


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