Strategies in Promoting Values of Aging People Based upon the Creation to Establish Good Life Qualities for All Ages


  • ศิรภัสสรศ์ วงศ์ทองดี, Ph.D. คณะรัฐศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
  • สิริวิท อิสโร, Ph.D. ภาควิชารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • ชูเกียรติ มุทธากาญจน์, Ph.D. สาขาการบริหารการปกครองท้องที่ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช
  • สมชาย ปัญญเจริญ, Ph.D. รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกริก
  • วรพงศ์ แสงผัด รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติแสตมฟอร์ด วิทยาเขตเพชรบุรี


Strategy, Values of aging people, Good life quality, All ages


This mix methods research aimed to explore phenomena, problems, factors, and other related issues concerning the values of aging people in Thai society, and to propose policy guidelines for bringing values of those people to society linking with all ages good life quality. Sample group of 400 general public were survey respondents. Eight key informants for in-depth interviews were scholars and experts. For focus group discussion, 9 experts in the field of aging society were participated. The research instruments consisted of 2 sets of questionnaires with the reliability of .85 and .87, and a structured interview guide. Data collections were conducted from April to August, 2015. Statistics used for data analysis included mean and standard deviation. Also, content analysis was applied for qualitative data.

The results of the study revealed that the opinions regarding the values of aging people were quite positive. In order to integrate the work relating aging people, Thailand should set a five-level strategy framework to creatively carry forward the values of aging people to society, which was in the light of quality of life insurance for all ages. The five-level strategies were 1) a national-level strategy – to promote the values and experiences of aging people to society, 2) a provincial-level strategy – to integrate collaboration of work relating aging people in provincial and district levels, as well as local administrations, 3) a local-level strategy – to promote wisdom, activities, and build strengths in bringing potentiality and values of aging people in a local level, 4) a community-level strategy – to promote leadership and community institutions to carry forward good attitude and realization in values of aging people, and 5) a family-level strategy – to strengthen understandings and family bonds to remain aging people as a center of the family. Lastly, all five-level strategies, including each level tactics are proposed in order to holistically and creatively work hand in hand from all levels to bring good quality of life for all ages.

This study suggested that each task function should create aging operation mechanisms which move forward hand in hand under the strengthening structure at all five levels. Besides, a common goal should aim at the betterment of aging people’s life quality.




How to Cite

วงศ์ทองดี ศ., อิสโร ส., มุทธากาญจน์ ช., ปัญญเจริญ ส., & แสงผัด ว. (2018). Strategies in Promoting Values of Aging People Based upon the Creation to Establish Good Life Qualities for All Ages. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 27(2), 95–110. Retrieved from



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)