Schools' Strategic Management towards Being a World-Class Standard School of Islamic Private Schools in Three Southern Border Provinces of Thailand

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Masnah Saree
Sujitra Jorajit
Kittiporn Nawsuwan


         The objectives of this study were 1) To study the current and desirable conditions of school management to become a world-class standard of Islamic private schools in three southern border provinces 2) To formulate the strategies and 3) To check the suitable strategies for implementation. The research methodology is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. There are three steps, first study the current and desirable conditions with questionnaire. The sample consisted of 108 of Islamic private schools in three southern border provinces. The information was given to the licensee, school director, head of the group and school board. The tool used was a questionnaire. And validate tool quality using content validity testing. The questionnaire had an IOC value of 0.60 - 1.00 and a reliability of .921 was used. The data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. Second workshop in analysis of the strategy (SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix), there are 21 people to formulate participants of the workshop. And third check the suitable strategy by focus group and questionnaire consisted of 9 professionals.

         The study found as follows. 1) The current and desirable conditions of school management to become a world-class standard of Islamic private schools in three southern border provinces were at a high level. The two most significant aspects were organizational leadership.  2) To formulate the strategies was 29 main and 88 the minor strategies. 3) To check the suitable strategies. Every strategy is suitable, but just edit and collect all strategies become 4 main and 27 of minor strategies.

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How to Cite
Saree, M., Jorajit, S., & Nawsuwan, K. (2019). Schools’ Strategic Management towards Being a World-Class Standard School of Islamic Private Schools in Three Southern Border Provinces of Thailand. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 89–102. Retrieved from
Research Article


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