Local Policy Making for Land Misuse Problem Solving: The Case of Phayao Model in Maeka Sub–district, Muang, Phayao

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Marsri Ngoenyen


The objectives of this research were to examine the cause of the problem due to the misuse of land reform (A. 4-01) around Phayao University, which is located in Maeka Sub-district of Muang Phayao, and to study policy-making process in dealing with this particular problem encountered by Provincial Land Reform Office in Phayao. The case was called “Phayao Model”.  The data were collected using in-depth interviews and document analysis. A sample was divided into three groups as follows: (1) the government authorities in charge of policy making; (2) owners of dormitories situated around Phayao University; and (3) leaders of communities around Phayao University.  Our findings indicated that the problem of land misuse was caused by the establishment of the communities. To successfully solve the problem, a committee, set up by the Provincial Land Reform Office in Phayao, was assigned to look in to the case and tackle it in accordance with the Act of Land Reform for Agricultural Purposes 1975.  Article 30 and Clause 5 with its additional note 1.5 were referred. To by legal means and a good public cooperation, the case of Phayao Model was effectively handled.

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How to Cite
Ngoenyen, M. (2017). Local Policy Making for Land Misuse Problem Solving: The Case of Phayao Model in Maeka Sub–district, Muang, Phayao. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 8(2), 1–20. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/107759
Research Article


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