The Reinforcement of Local Fiscal Health through the Idea of Citizenship: the comparative study between U-mong Municipality, Lamphun Province and Don Kaew Subdistrict Administration Organization

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Natthakon Chanhom
Worrapong Trakarnsirinont



This article aims to provide appropriate fiscal health reinforcement to local administrative organizations. The study employed mixed research method. For the quantitative method, questionnaires were used to collect data from 400 respondents. It also adopted the qualitative methods by focus group discussion with 8 informants and the 10-points Test of financial condition, initiated by Ken. W. Brown (1993), in order to compare fiscal health reinforcement and illustrate the relation between fiscal reinforcement and citizenship of citizen in two local administrative organizations, which were U-mong Subdistrict Municipality in Lamphun Province and Don Kaew Subdistrict Administration Organization in Chiang Mai Province.

The findings show that: (1) most of citizen in both U-mong Subdistrict Municipality and Don Kaew Subdistirct Administration Organization can be regarded as “Personally Responsible Citizens”; (2) Regarding to fiscal health reinforcement, the Don Kaew Subdistrict Administration Organization was relatively stronger than the U-mong Subdistrict Municipality and; (3) the idea of citizenship was of great significance and highly correlated with the reinforcement of local fiscal health. When the moral attitudes of the people in deterring tax evasion and their commitment to civic responsibly are upheld it, in many ways, can facilitate and support local administrative organizations to allocate adequate resources to local people.

Last but not least, the study suggests that: (1) the central government should improve the law and regulations to facilitate local administrative organizations to gain more revenue; (2) enhancing awareness and better understanding of local tax payers about paying tax to local administrative organizations for better administration and improving public services to local people efficiently.

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How to Cite
Chanhom, N., & Trakarnsirinont, W. (2017). The Reinforcement of Local Fiscal Health through the Idea of Citizenship: the comparative study between U-mong Municipality, Lamphun Province and Don Kaew Subdistrict Administration Organization. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 8(2), 21–53. Retrieved from
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