Thailand’s State Policy on Food Security: A Case Study of GMOs Crops

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Natchaphorn Phromkham


The study focused on Thailand’s State Policy after the food security norm had been set by the provided common definition in the international conference of FAO. The objectives were to study situation and influence on food security from Thailand’s GMOs policy and examine hypothesis that the diffusion of international ideas, norms and policies influence on policy making. Purposive Samples were a scholar who studies genetic engineering, an international non-profit environmental organization, a farmer who pays attention on GMOs and authorized officials who make policy decision. Data were collected by in-depth interviews. Documentary analysis and analytic induction were used.

The findings showed that Thailand can still cultivate seasonally. Thailand also has enough food for domestic consumption and also has potential to export. If Thailand allows GMOs crops, it may cause export problems. The result did not support the hypothesis on GMOs crops because Thailand relied on domestic knowledge to make policy decision but it supported on food security norm because there was a draft of food security strategic plan that Thailand had brought guidelines from others.

The study also suggested that government should:

(1) Set GMOs crops policy clearly that they would promote the use of full genetic engineering technologies or some of them or they do not allow to use such technology.

(2) Study the information related to GMOs crops extensively in order to make decision.

(3) Publish information about GMOs crops both in positive and negative effects on food security, biodiversity, culture and folk wisdom including the export economy.

(4) Be aware of distortion of facts from the beneficiaries on state policy

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How to Cite
Phromkham, N. (2019). Thailand’s State Policy on Food Security: A Case Study of GMOs Crops. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 10(2), 171–198. Retrieved from
Research Article


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