The Problem Situation of the Foreign Labor Protection in Thailand and the Solution

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Kittachet Krivat



The study of the problem situation of foreign labor protection in Thailand and the solution focuses on the hiring condition, working condition, and how the firms those hire the foreign labor obey the foreign protection law may cause the international free trade affection, furthermore; it focuses on the trend determining and the measure of the foreign labor protection which influent the international free trade. The methods used are the Quantitative Research method, which collects the data by interviewing the entrepreneurs; those hire the foreign labors, and the Qualitative Research method, which collects the data by in-depth interviewing from the officers of the concern department. From the study, it is found that the foreign labor protection condition in Thailand nowadays still has the following essential problems: 1) Hiring condition: some foreign labors who work more than 8 hours a day, it is over the law limit, moreover; they are not allowed to take a day off on the weekend and holidays, they are not allowed to get paid the over time, they have right to take the sick leave without the compensation, they can not take the maternity leave. 2) Some foreign labors think that working place is not arrange well enough to work. 3) Most of the employers or the businesses obey the labor protection law, there are few of them decline to obey it, and the most of them infringe on the labor wage, the compensation, and welfare, especially to the foreign labors those entered Thailand illegally. There are the trend and the measure in the way of foreign labor protection those decrease the factors which have the effects to the international free trade are as follows: 1) The department concern which take care and responsible for foreign labor protection should take the initiative to establish the network of foreign labor protection to the local departments which are closed to the foreign labors. 2) The department concerned should rush to establish groups of entrepreneur in every area, and proceed to distribute the information to every groups for realize on the damage that may occur from forcing the labor and violate the right of the foreign labors. 3) The concerned department should be hurry to deliver the name list of the employers and the entrepreneur who behave inappropriately in forcing the foreign labor to other concerned department for them to use for considering issuing any license.

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How to Cite
Krivat, K. (2017). The Problem Situation of the Foreign Labor Protection in Thailand and the Solution. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 5(1), 40–53. Retrieved from
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