Internal Quality Assurance System of Opportunity Expansion Schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • ดร.ปราการ ช่วยรักษา นักศึกษาหลักสูตรศึกษาศาสตรดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Internal Quality Assurance System, Opportunity Expansion School


The research entitled, “Internal Quality Assurance System of Opportunity Expansion Schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office,” aimed 1) to study the state of internal quality assurance system of opportunity expansion schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office, 2) to create the internal quality assurance system of opportunity expansion schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office,and 3) to evaluate the internal quality assurance system of opportunity expansion schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office

The samples used in the first period of this research were 252, i.e. 126 administrators, and 126 teachers. While in the second period of this research, the 9 informants were invited to participate in a focus group discussion. And in last period, the 20 experts were invited to be as the informants for evaluation.

The instruments used in this research were the questionnaire, interview form, focus group discussion, and the evaluation by the experts. In the quality test, the only items of questionnaire with above .50 value of the IOC were acceptable, and in the reliability test, Cronbach’s alpha value was rated at .98. The statistics used for quantitative data analysis in this research were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. In addition, the content analysis was employed for the qualitative data which were concluded from the experts’ suggestions.

The research findings revealed that

  1. The state of internal quality assurance system of opportunity expansion schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office overall were at high level. Especially, the internal quality assurance report aspect was at the highest level; the administrative system management and information aspect wereat the lower level, and the lowest level was the monitoring aspect.
  2. The internal quality assurance system of opportunity expansion schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office consisted of 3 variables that were relevant to one another, i.e. the 4 aspect-internal quality assurance system in schools, the process of internal quality assurance in schools,and the 8 aspect-guidelines for school development.

3. The results of evaluation for the internal quality assurance system of opportunity expansion schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Officeoverall were at the highest level, while each aspect was found at the highest level as well


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How to Cite

ช่วยรักษา ด. (2019). Internal Quality Assurance System of Opportunity Expansion Schools under SakonNakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(1), 197–208. Retrieved from