Marketing Mix Strategy in Buying Decision Making of the Royal Project’s Organic Vegetables of the Elderly in Bangkok


  • ผศ.อรุณี พึงวัฒนานุกูล มหาวิทยาลัยราชพฤษ์


marketing mix strategy, the Royal Project’s organic vegetables, the elderly


The objectives of this study were 1) to study marketing mix strategy in buying decision making of the Royal Project’s organic vegetables of the elderly in Bangkok,
2) to compare the demographic of the elderly and marketing mix strategy in buying decision making of the Royal Project’s organic vegetables The samples were 400 elderly in Bangkok. The research instrument was questionnaire. Frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Scheffé’s method were used in data analysis.

The results of research were as follow:

  1. As a whole, the opinion in marketing mix strategy in buying decision making of the Royal Project’s organic vegetables of the elderly in Bangkok was in a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that marketing mix strategy in product is highest.
  2. The opinion about marketing mix strategy in buying decision making of the Royal Project’s organic vegetables between the demographic of the elderly in Bangkok was not significantly difference at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

พึงวัฒนานุกูล ผ. (2019). Marketing Mix Strategy in Buying Decision Making of the Royal Project’s Organic Vegetables of the Elderly in Bangkok. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(1), 278–282. Retrieved from