The Development’ s Strategic in Performance of the Relation Community Police if Metropolitan Police Division 3


  • จงรัก วัฒนดิเรก นักศึกษารัฐประศาสนศาสตรดุษฎีบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี




The objectives of this study on “Strategies for Developing Performance of Police Officers in the Metropolitan Police Division 3” are: 1) to study on strategic variables on developing performance of police officers in the Metropolitan Police Division 3 that were consisted of 8 dimensions including: personality, human relations, services, performance, budgets, motivation, personnel development, and competency; 2) to study on effectiveness of developing performance of police officers in the Metropolitan Police Division 3 that was consisted of 4 dimensions including goal achievement, ability to build satisfaction, ability to build participation, performance; and 3) to provide efficient and effective policy suggestions on developing performance of police officers in the Metropolitan Police Division 3. The research was conducted by using mixed method research started from quantitative research, i.e., collecting data from 2 sample groups including: 1) 62 police officers of Metropolitan Police Division 3; and 2) 400 general people. Subsequently, qualitative research was conducted by conducting the in-depth interview with 18 experts classified into 4 groups including:1) Top Superiors of Royal Thai Police Headquarters; 2) academicians on police officers development and participation of people in preventing community crime; 3) community leaders, village headmen, and presidents of local administrative organizations; and 4) some experts from other agencies. The results revealed that Multiple Correlation Coefficient between dependent variables and 8 independent variables could be predicted between dependent variables and 8 independent variables as well as all factors or R Square that could be predicted at 76.7 % approximately. From analysis, the order of influence of independent variables on dependent variables was as follows: 1st Rank: human relations with coefficient of 0.312 2nd Rank: personnel development with coefficient of 0.298 3rd Rank: motivation with coefficient of 0.297 4th Rank: services with coefficient of 0.295 5th Rank: budget with coefficient of 0.241 6th Rank: competency with coefficient of 0.238 7th Rank: personality with coefficient of 0.235 8th Rank: performance with coefficient of 0.198. To apply these results, all related par6ies must consider on their appropriateness with defined objectives and goals as well as consistency with situations in order to obtain the ultimate efficiency and further benefits for Thai people, society, and country.


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How to Cite

วัฒนดิเรก จ. (2019). The Development’ s Strategic in Performance of the Relation Community Police if Metropolitan Police Division 3. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(2), 45–56. Retrieved from