Effects of Empowerment Programs on Anxiety Nursing students of Pathumthani University


  • รัชนี หาญสมสกุล คณะพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


The Anxiety, The Relationship, The Motivation, The Empowerment Program


The purposes of this quasi experimental research one group pre – post test were to study effects of empowerment programs on anxiety nursing students of pathumthani university. The study samples were purposive sampling consisted of 50 students. Data were collected using the demographic data record form, the anxiety questionnaire, the relationship questionnaire, the motivation questionnaire, and the empowerment program. The content validity index was at .88, the reliability test was conducted using the Cronbach’s alpha which were at .88, .90, and .91. Descriptive statistics and independent t- test were used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that 1) the anxiety before participating in the empowerment were at high level (80%, Mean = 2.65, SD =1.00), and after were at low level (84%, Mean = 1.05, SD =.40), and the anxiety before and after participating the program were statistically significant difference at .05 (t= 3.18, P=.01). 2) The relationship before participating in the empowerment were at medium level (80%, Mean = 2.30, SD. = .39), and after were at high level (92%, Mean = 2.79, SD. = .30), and the relationship before and after participating the program were statistically significant difference at .05 (t= 3.54, P=.01). 3) The motivation before participating in the empowerment were at medium level (60%, Mean = 2.31, SD = .53), and after were at high level (80%, Mean = 2.69, SD =.45), and the anxiety before and after participating the program were statistically significant difference at .05 (t= 2.18, P=.01)


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How to Cite

หาญสมสกุล ร. (2019). Effects of Empowerment Programs on Anxiety Nursing students of Pathumthani University. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(2), 336–343. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/219056