ผลสัมฤทธิ์ยุทธศาสตร์การบริหารจัดการพื้นที่ชายแดนไทย-เมียนมาของกองบัญชาการตำรวจตระเวนชายแดน สำนักงานตำรวจแห่งชาติ

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อานันตาพร อุปถัมภ์
ไชยา ยิ้มวิไล


The purpose of this research aims to investigate: (i) the degree of achievement in Thai-Myanmar Border Area Administrative Strategy From personal factor, ii) factors influencing an achievement of border area administrative strategy, iii) relationship between factors influencing of that achievement, iv) barriers and guidelines for further improvement of strategy. Using mixed methods, the four hundred (400) quantitative samples from Thai-Myanmar border area operations officer were involved. The statistics used descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA and correlation analysis as well as multiple regression analysis. For qualitative samples, the twenty-nine (29) key informants from the central administration and the operational area executives granted their in-depth interviews. The analysis method included triangulation, analyze content and literature review. 

The study indicated that the most respondents were non-commissioned officers, Squad Leader Position, between 41-50 years old and over 12 years of experience. This troop achieved at high average degree of performance. Efficiency was the highest average and the lowest mean was Organizational Development. For factors influencing achievement, it was found that; (1) personal factor-Current job position influenced on achievement, especially over 12 years of experience. The qualitative analysis was also support this result to which the long service life, skills and work expertise were the most impact on the achievement; (2) management processes i.e. evaluation, planning, reporting, and monitoring influenced to the achievement; (3) internal environment factors i.e. administrative resources, organizational structure, organizational culture, human resource influenced to the achievement. The relationship between resource management and achievement, it was found that all variables in the management process and all variables in the internal environment factors correlated with the overall achievement. Thai-Myanmar Border Patrol Operation Troop encountered with some obstacles, including; (1) aging of the personnel; (2) performs orders rather than comment, (3) the organizational structure is not suitable for the current mission; (4) the personnel brought modern technology to work well. However, there were limitations on the knowledge, understanding and characteristics of unfavorable areas; (5) Management Resources Shortage (4M). It is recommended that Executives should pay attention to all management factors by deploy adequate and appropriate administrative resources for align with mission, situation and attribute of border area.

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How to Cite
อุปถัมภ์ อ., & ยิ้มวิไล ไ. (2018). ผลสัมฤทธิ์ยุทธศาสตร์การบริหารจัดการพื้นที่ชายแดนไทย-เมียนมาของกองบัญชาการตำรวจตระเวนชายแดน สำนักงานตำรวจแห่งชาติ. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 27(2), 199–214. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2017.27
Research Articles


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