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ปรเมษฐ์ สิริพิพัฒน์
ฐติกุล ไชยวรรณ์


The Objective of this independent study is to investigate marketing mix factors affecting to the Thai elder buyers’ decision-making on purchasing online-products. The target population for this study was Thai elder buyers aged over 60 years old and had ever bought products via e-commerce. A total sample size of 400 respondents was collected in September 10, 2015 to October 21, 2015. The statistics used for analyzing data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test analysis.

The results revealed that most respondents were male aged 60-65 years old and undergraduate. They were government officers. Their average incomes were at the maximum of 10,000 Bahts per month. The frequent consumption was 2 pieces per time a year and the average expenses were less than 1,000 Bahts per time.

The study on marketing mix factors affecting to the elder buyers’ decision-making on purchasing online-products found that the respondents rated delivery process as the most important factors for purchasing online-products followed by the other Place (  = 4.13) factor which was Promotion (  = 4.06), Processes (  = 4.05), Product & Service (  = 3.99) and Price (  = 3.98).

The study on marketing mix factors showed that tracking system in delivery process was considered to be very essential and followed by on time delivery. Promotion factor affected to elders on making a decision because of other customers’ comments and reviews. The study revealed that Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was considered to protect their private information. Product & Service factor showed that simple and easy forms of website affected to eldery. The last Place factor that the study found was Price because of payment types.

The reseacher suggested that the entrepreneurs who were interested in online-products for elder buyers should consider every marketing mix factors to serve their customers efficiently in order to make them trust in e-commerce buying processes.

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How to Cite
สิริพิพัฒน์ ป., & ไชยวรรณ์ ฐ. (2017). ปัจจัยส่วนประสมการตลาดที่มีผลต่อการตัดสินใจซื้อสินค้าออนไลน์ของผู้สูงอายุคนไทย. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 26(2), 135–149. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2016.26
Research Articles


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