Factors Affecting Decision Making towards Cosmetic Surgery of Thai Customers in Generation X and Generation Y in Bangkok

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ธนัชชา ศรีชุมพล
บุญญรัตน์ สัมพันธ์วัฒนชัย


The objectives of this research is to study the influence factors affecting decision making towards cosmetic surgery of Thai customers in generation X and generation Y in Bangkok. The sampling size is 400 and all the respondent were taking to consideration regarding to the Statistics, Frequency, Percentage and Average score card. For Standard Deviation and Hypothesis test, we used t-test statistics, ANOVA, Multiple Linear Regression and also Pearson Correlation at 0.05 level which detail are as following.

1.The majority are female with 23-52 year old, bachelor degree is the highest, monthly income is 30,001-40,000 Baht, married, most of them are company employee.

  1. The results from statistical hypothesis testing revealed that rational and

emotional factors, and social influence factors. The multiple regression analysis demonstrated that had positive effect on the decision making to undergo cosmetic surgery of Generation X and Generation Y customers who lived in Bangkok at the significance level of.05, Occupational progress factors  Pearson Correlation analysis demonstrated that had positive effect on the decision making to undergo cosmetic surgery of Generation X and Generation Y customers who lived in Bangkok Multiple Regression analysis demonstrated that at the significance level of.01. However, ANOVA analysis demonstrated that media type, frequency of media exposure, and time spending on researching the surgery generally did not affect Generation X and Generation Y customers’ decision making to undergo plastic surgery. Only media exposure in terms of content which featured the experiences of actors and singers as well as the innovation and technology of cosmetic surgery had influence on the samples’ decision making at the significance level of.05

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How to Cite
ศรีชุมพล ธ., & สัมพันธ์วัฒนชัย บ. (2019). Factors Affecting Decision Making towards Cosmetic Surgery of Thai Customers in Generation X and Generation Y in Bangkok. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 28(2), 107–116. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2018.24
Research Articles


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