Innovative Leadership Traits of Saint John’s University Lecturers

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อรภัทรกาญจน์ ชัยวัฒน์จตุพร
ชัยณรงค์ สุวรรณสาร


The purposes of this research were to examine the level of innovative leadership traits of Saint John's University lecturers, and suggest the development of innovative leadership traits to Saint John's University lecturers. The population for this study were ninety-one lecturers. The five-point rating scale questionnaire and semi-structured interview were conducted, and all of which were assessed by the three experts. The Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) score was 0.67-1.00. Descriptive statistics was conducted in term of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The findings revealed that the overall level of innovative leadership traits of Saint John's University lecturers was at high level (µ=4.18, σ=0.54), and it was high level when considered in each aspect, the highest was society (µ=4.27, σ=0.57), composed of working as a team, good relationship, ability to communicate and create to all mutual understanding respectively, the lowest was skill (µ=4.11, σ=0.65). There were eight items for suggesting the development of innovative leadership traits to Saint John's University lecturers, the highest item was rated positively workshop in the educational system of innovative management and digital skills.

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ชัยวัฒน์จตุพร อ., & สุวรรณสาร ช. (2020). Innovative Leadership Traits of Saint John’s University Lecturers. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 29(2), 126–137.
Research Articles


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