Effects of Using Participatory Learning Activities for Development of Public Consciousness of Prathomsuksa 6 Students of Primary Schools in Chiang Mai Province

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นงนภัส พันธ์พลกฤต
ปุณณาสา โพธิพฤกษ์
นงลักษณ์ ศรีวิชัย
รัชฎาภรณ์ เจนวชิรพงค์
สุรีย์วรรณ จันทรบูรณ์
สุรีพันธ์ เทพอุด
รัตตินาถ เพชรมณี
ออมบุญ บุรุษภักดี


The purpose of this research was to compare public consciousness behavior   before and after joining the participatory learning activities of 6th grade students in primary schools in Chiang Mai. The experimental group of 160, 6th grade students was chosen by the systematic sampling method. Questionnaires and participatory learning activity set were employed as data collection instruments. Data analysis was conducted through the t-test. The findings indicated that the mean score of public consciousness behavior of 6th grade students before and after participating in the learning activities was significantly different.  After participating in the learning activities, the public consciousness behavior score of the experimental group improved at the 0.01 level. This data supports the findings from the follow-up interviews with teachers and students. According to the interview, the control group developed public consciousness behavior after they participated in the participatory learning activities.

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พันธ์พลกฤต น., โพธิพฤกษ์ ป., ศรีวิชัย น., เจนวชิรพงค์ ร., จันทรบูรณ์ ส., เทพอุด ส., เพชรมณี ร., & บุรุษภักดี อ. (2020). Effects of Using Participatory Learning Activities for Development of Public Consciousness of Prathomsuksa 6 Students of Primary Schools in Chiang Mai Province. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 29(2), 161–172. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2019.28
Research Articles


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